The site has yielded numerous specimens of the massetognathine traversodontid Santacruzodon hopsoni (Cynodontia: Gomphodontia) with a broad range of ontogenetic stages, and a new record of the chiniquodontid cynodont Chiniquodon sp. These new records include microvertebrate taxa more typical of non-Newark basins (abundant archosauriforms, temnospondyls, lungfish) as well as more typical Newark osteichthyans and synapsid-rich faunal elements.We describe the fossil content of the Carolina Soil outcrop in Vera Cruz Municipality (Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil), which represents one of the few localities with a conspicuous fossil record in the still poorly sampled Upper Triassic Santacruzodon Assemblage Zone (Santa Cruz Sequence, Santa Maria Supersequence). In particular, Colognathus, Crosbysaurus, and Uatchitodon are known from basins of Adamanian age in the southwestern U.S.A. These records are biogeographically important, with many new records for the Cumnock Formation and/or the Newark Supergroup. Boreogomphodon and the ‘‘dromatheriid’’ Microconodon. Synapsids represented by molariform teeth include both ‘‘traversodontids’’ assigned to aff. Galtonia, the first Newark Supergroup record of Crosbysaurus sp., and several other archosauriform tooth morphotypes, as well as grooved teeth assigned to the recently named species Uatchitodon schneideri. callenderi that we assign to Revueltosaurus olseni new combination, a morphotype best assigned to cf. Among the archosauriform teeth is a taxon distinct from R. Poorly preserved but intriguing records include acrodont and pleurodont jaw fragments tentatively assigned to lepidosaurs. Two fragmentary teeth are assigned to the unusual reptile Colognathus obscurus (Case). Temnospondyls are comparatively rare but the preserved centra, teeth, and skull fragments probably represent small (juvenile) metoposaurids. Non-tetrapod sarcopterygians include the dipnoan Arganodus sp., the first record of lungfish in the Newark Supergroup. Actinopterygian fossils consist of thousands of scales, teeth, skull, and lower jaw fragments, principally of redfieldiids and semionotids. The ,50,000 recovered microvertebrate fossils include osteichthyans, amphibians, and numerous lepidosauromorph, archosauriform, and synapsid amniotes. The Moncure microvertebrate locality in the Cumnock Formation, Sanford sub-basin, North Carolina, dramatically increases the known Late Triassic age vertebrate assemblage from the Deep River Basin. I particularly like Crosbysaurus because it has compound denticles and would appear to represent an intermediate stage between fine denticles (serrations) and coarse denticles typical of both Revueltosaurus and many ornithischian dinosaurs. They are a shark, two sphenodontians, and two archosauriforms that may or may not be convergent with early ornithischians or pterosaurs (subperpendicular, offset denticles). There's a few new taxa here-Diplolonchidion murryi, Palaeollanosaurus fraseri, Planocephalosaurus lucasi, Crosbysaurus harrisae, and Protecovasaurus lucasi. Johns, AZ), and Dying Grounds (Petrified Forest, Arizona). This includes Trilophosaurus quarry 1 (Colorado City Formation, TX), the lower and upper Kalgary localities (Tecovas Formation, TX), the Ojo Huelos locality (Ojo Huelos, NM), L-2739 (Sixmile Canyon, NM), Krzyzanowski bonebed (St.

This monograph is based on my PhD dissertation and describes microvertebrate faunas from seven localities in the lower Chinle Group of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The actual abstract (summary) is 2 printed pages.